Author: BharatSpeaks
NEW DELHI: Smile Foundation under its Manzil project has delivered employability training to about 14,000 young girls while also enabling on-the-job training for an additional 5,000 girls to guarantee their future. The Foundation has given the girls hope by enrolling them in vocational education classes. Manzil’s girl-centered initiatives (both in-school and out-of-school) based on skills, information, and stakeholder involvement contribute greatly to alleviating the socioeconomic restrictions that lead to early marriage. For example, evidence suggests that adolescent girls with employability skills and job prospects are less likely to marry young. Economic empowerment of women also allows girls to have more…
NOIDA: Noida International Airport, a proposed greenfield airport in Jewar, Uttar Pradesh, has won Architectural Review Future Projects’ “Best Infrastructure Award 2022.” The AR Future Projects awards provide a glimpse into tomorrow’s cities by recognising excellence in unbuilt and incomplete projects as well as the potential for constructive contribution to communities, neighbourhoods, and urban landscapes around the world. Nordic, Grimshaw, Haptic, and STUP created the passenger terminal of Noida International Airport, fusing Indian warmth and hospitality with Swiss efficiency. The design combines customer comfort with sustainability, as well as timeless design with flexibility for future needs. TIMELESS DESIGN The terminal…
By Prateek Sharma in KARNAL: Vineet Kumar, a resident of Karnal, Haryana, has achieved an All India Rank 1 in the UPSC engineering service exam (ESE) 2021 and will soon join the coveted central government position. But this is not his only accomplishment; despite growing up in a middle-class home where his father was the sole provider, Kumar has always had a strong desire to acquire not only money but also respect. He had already passed some of the most prestigious and tough examinations by the age of 26, including IIT entrance JEE Advanced, IIM entrance CAT, and PSU job…
उत्तर प्रदेश में आतंक फैलाने वाले खूंखार गैंगस्टर श्री प्रकाश शुक्ला के खात्मे के लिए 4 मई 1998 को गठित उत्तर प्रदेश स्पेशल टास्क फोर्स (UP STF) ने 24 साल पूरे कर लिए हैं। एसटीएफ बनने की कहानी कफी दिलचस्प है। गोरखपुर के रहने वाले श्री प्रकाश शुक्ला 1997 में तब सुर्खियों में आया था जब उसने लखनऊ में एक और माफिया डॉन वीरेंद्र प्रताप शाही की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी थी। इसके बाद उत्तर प्रदेश में रेलवे ठेकों को लेकर हाई-प्रोफाइल किडनैपिंग, जबरन वसूली और हत्याओं की काफी घटनाएं हुईं। सूबे में शुक्ला का आतंक तब और बढ़…
Shambhavi Singh In NEW DELHI: Puhabi Chakraborti of Tripura has been awarded the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Purashkar (PMRBP) for her outstanding achievements in the field of innovation for the year 2022. Puhabi Chakraborty, the tenth standard girl from Tripura, has set a benchmark for all students at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala’s Kendriya Vidyalaya school by receiving the Bal Puraskar 2022. She innovated two applications, AthleteX and Spirometer. This kid is one of a kind in herself. She is a champion in international kickboxing, and she regards her involvement in sport as one of the factors behind…
योगी आदित्यनाथ को उत्तर प्रदेश का सीएम बने आज एक महीना पूरा हो गया. इस एक महीने में योगी आदित्यनाथ ने जिस तरह से काम किया है उसने विरोधियों को चुप करा दिया है. पिछले तीस दिनों में योगी सरकार ने कई ऐसे फैसले लिए जो एक सीएम और नेता के तौर पर आदित्यनाथ की अलग पहचान बनाते हैं. फैसला नंबर 1- योगी सरकार 2.0 की पहली कैबिनेट का पहला बड़ा फैसला, मुफ्त राशन योजना को तीन महीने बढ़ाया, 15 करोड़ लोगों को राशन आगे भी मिलता रहेगा. फैसला नंबर 2- योगी सरकार सभी तहसीलों में फायर टेंडर की सुविधा…