Smartphone usage has rapidly become an inseparable part of our daily lives since the advent of the iPhone in 2007 — as reported by agencies that track smartphone addiction. Today, in 2022, to say that we are ” glued to our phones” would probably be an understatement. It’s difficult to tell when excessive smartphone use becomes an addiction because we rely on our phones for literally everything.
Sleep deprivation, higher stress levels, sadness, and anxiety are all just some of the symptoms of smartphone addiction. While being hooked to your digital gadgets does not have the same detrimental impact on your health as other types of addiction, it does have an influence on both your mental and physical health.

So, what exactly is this ‘Digital Detox’?
Digital detox refers to a state when an individual quits or suspends the use of digital equipment and devices to utilize that time for social interactions and activities. It is a technique that enables an individual to relieve stress and anxiety incurred from being over-occupied by the high utilization of digital devices.
The feedback from people who have tried Digital Detox for an extended period of time has usually been very positive. From better sleep to a generally positive vibe, Digital Detox can go a long way in fixing problems that you might not even realize you have. So this International Yoga Day, give Digital Detox a try, will you?
Are you in need of a Digital Detox?
How can you assess if you too require digital detoxification? If you recognise any of the following symptoms, it is time to begin working on ridding your system of the digital virus.
- Check your phone every few minutes.
- Concerned when your phone is out of sight for some time.
- Check the number of likes, shares, and comments on your most recent social media post on a regular basis.
- Concerned when your internet or network connection is disrupted.
- Fear of missing an essential update if you don’t check your phone continuously.
- When you don’t have your phone in front of you, you can’t concentrate.
To assist you in finding practical ways to make a digital yoga practise work for you, we prepared this infographic with 10 benefits of digital yoga that have been scientifically established, along with a 30-day challenge.
10 Scientific Benefits of a Digital Yoga
1: Improve mental health: People who use social media frequently express feelings of depression and suffer jealously over their friends’ lifestyles. Additionally, research has linked smartphone use to social isolation, shyness, and lower levels of job engagement.
2: 65% of Americans feel digital eye strain, and “text neck,” a condition where people get neck pain from staring down at smartphones, is becoming more common.
- Strengthen Relationships: 82 percent of Americans think that using a phone while socialising ruins interaction.
4: Reduce Stress: Twenty percent of Americans say that using technology causes them stress.
5- More Time For Yourself: Americans use their phones for 4.7 hours every day on average.
6- Boost Productivity And Creativity: Studies have found that even the mere presence of an electronic gadget causes attention to be diverted and task performance to suffer.
7- Encourage Healthy Sleep Habits: Screens’ blue light interferes with the body’s production of melatonin, making it difficult to get to sleep and remain asleep.
8: Increase Attention Span: Humans’ attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds to 8 seconds in more than a generation, falling below that of a goldfish.
9- Reduce Your Technology Dependence:
96% of adults search for recipes on digital devices.
83 percent of adults set their alarms on their smartphones.
75% of Americans acquire their news through TVs and laptops.
Americans as a whole claim that they couldn’t live without their smartphones in 46% of cases.
10: Enhance your analytical and problem-solving abilities. Instead of trying to remember information themselves, people are increasingly delegating their thinking to technology.
Are you ready for an online yoga session? Until you take a vacation, you might not be aware of how much you depend on technology in your daily life. It’s difficult to envisage a world without us because of the constant pressure to “be on.”
With the help of our 30-day challenge, you can reduce your use of technology while maintaining your ability to contribute to society. And keep in mind that the worst that can happen is that you start sleeping better, getting rid of unnecessary tension, and improving your health.
Yoga Challenge for 30 Days Online
Day 1: TV abstinence; read a book in its place.
Day 2: Avoid looking at a device for an hour after waking up.
Day 3: Make a concrete list of the greatest issues and obstacles related to digital yoga on day three.
Day 4: Set a timer to keep track of how much you use technology for leisure during the day.
Day 5: Disable push notifications and alerts.
Day 6: Don’t check your phone more than five times a day.
Day 7: Use an alarm clock other than your phone for the next seven days.
Day 8: Set up a charging station outside your bedroom on day eight.
Day 9: Refrain from checking your email after leaving work.
Day 10: Put your phone away one hour before going to bed.
Day 11: Don’t keep your smartphone in your hand or pocket; instead, keep it out of sight.
Day 12: Read the news in a newspaper.
Day 13: Don’t use your device while hanging out with friends.
Day 14: Only monitor social media sites between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.
Day 15: Try out a new recipe from a cookbook.
Day 16: Spend the day without checking or updating social media accounts.
Day 17: Go out to supper without bringing any electronics.
Day 18: Install stay focused or block sites for a day to assist you to avoid time-consuming websites.
Day 19: Don’t use your gadget while you’re in line.
Day 20: Refrain from watching TV or Netflix.
Day 21: Make your bedroom a technology-free zone.
Day 22: Don’t use your electronics while walking or utilising public transportation.
Day 23: Go somewhere new using only a physical map.
Day 24: Disconnect your home WiFi router.
Day 25: Do something enjoyable without snapping pictures for Instagram.
Day 26: Set a 30-minute time limit for phone use.
Day 27: Organize a tech-free game night with friends.
Day 28: Using recreational technology and comparing it to day 1.
Day 29: Shut off all of your electronic gadgets for the day.
Day 30: Refer to the initial list. Think about the benefits you have received from yoga.